Thursday, July 28, 2005

Daddy, so tell me, who's your number one girl now? Posted by Picasa

Sam and Victoria, wonder what they are laughing about Posted by Picasa

Sam and Erica...true Redsox fans Posted by Picasa

Redsox fans Posted by Picasa

Han and Sissi Posted by Picasa

Erica and Erin (Screamin Erin) Posted by Picasa

Sam and Garrett Posted by Picasa

Courtney and Han Posted by Picasa

Heiker and Dalton say goodbye Posted by Picasa

Matt and Danny Posted by Picasa

:Erica's Godparents : Jim and Lynn Posted by Picasa

Lynn, where is your hand Posted by Picasa

Nan and Erica and Sissi Posted by Picasa

Erica and Erin Posted by Picasa

Erica and Ian Posted by Picasa

Erica, Grampy Pete and Hannah in NH Posted by Picasa here tho Posted by Picasa

This one is better...see no double chin here Posted by Picasa

oops Erica is showing a double chin Posted by Picasa

Deb and Erica Posted by Picasa

Sandra, you look like a turtle...JK Posted by Picasa

Sandra and Erica...Best of Friends always Posted by Picasa

Hiscoe's and Duffy's and Tom Posted by Picasa

Seattle gang Reunited...nite before Erica leaves Posted by Picasa

Hiscoe's family Posted by Picasa